Saturday, November 8, 2008

"What is where, why there, and why care?"

Welcome once again,

Success! I am going to hopefully be starting to tutor highschool kids in English. I just need to make some flyers. One of my previous teachers got back to me and said she would be delighted to pass the word along, and I may even get some clients in the literacy room at WOSS. This feels like a small victory to me in my blazing new path and I could not be happier to pursue it. Finally I didn't procrastinate on something. There may be hope for me yet.

This last week in all honesty has been rather uneventful in terms of everyday life. I generally have been hanging around school alot longer and spending time with a few different people. It's fun.

So how about that U.S. Election? People have been asking me non-stop what I think about Barack Obama. My response to this is simple, "He's a politician." Don't get me wrong it is tremendous that he is the first African-American President, but a politician is a politician and he has a mountain of work in front of him. Decisions must be made. He is certainly a more interesting individual then our beloved conservative crone Stevie Harper. What a joke.

Life in many respects has been looking up, in other ways it has been difficult and generally just a huge adjustment. Though however cliche it sounds, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long that tunnel is. For the time being, I am alright.

So next on the list is a possible return to the world of music. My proposal is a stripped down, straight shootin', street punk band. Any takers? we will see. I'm workin on this one, my skills need to be sharpened.


Hope all of you are doing well! Give me some feedback.

My words to leave with this time are as follows:

I'd like to say people can change anything they want to; and that means everything in the world. People are running about following their little tracks. I am one of them. But we've all gotta stop... just stop following our own little mouse trail. People can do anything; this is something that I'm beginning to learn. People are out there doing bad things to each other; it's because they've been dehumanized. It's time to take that humanity back into the centre of the ring and follow that for a time. Greed... it ain't going anywhere! They should have that on a big billboard across Times Square. Think on that. Without people you're nothing.

-Joe Strummer(1952-2002)

Monday, November 3, 2008

An Introduction

ohh look my first blog post.

I guess I will start with the answers to those ever so generic questions that almost every person you meet might ask you, unless of course they are mildly interesting. Anyways, My full name is Christopher Lee Cully, for short it can either be Chris, Cully, or Chris Cully. I am another one of those university types at McMaster University, where I am studying History. I plan on becoming a high school teacher at the end or the first "end" to my academic career. Yes that does mean I plan to go back and further my education at some point. Not because I strive to be one of the academic stiffs associated with education, but rather it is just interesting. I am currently employed at a Longo's Grocery Store where I am a Front End Supervisor. Essentially my job is to organize cashiers/buggy boys and maintain the operation of the front end of the store alongside other Front End Supervisors and Management. I know my job doesn't sound exciting, and maybe makes me seem like an evil dictator, in reality I love my job. Noone else seems to understand this, I tend to boil it down to one or two essential reasons. 1) Im beginning to think I suffer from some sort of anxiety, where I find it almost impossible to find myself relaxing in a state of peace without falling into some sort of panic attack about life and other such extremities. 2) I love the people. Like I said my job probably doesn't seem that interesting. Ohh comes the next question...What do you do in your spare time? This is where people tend to give me that "what is this dude talking about" look. In short I enjoy documentaries, politics and political theory, Noam Chomsky, reading books, History, music, and falling asleep on the couch listening to the late night news. So if you are now giving me that "what is this dude talking about" look, please I beg you to read on. I will also attempt to answer the counterpoint to that question, which is what do I not like. Generally this list can go on a little longer, not because I am a cynical and pessimistic son of a bitch, I am actually quite the optimist and often times the hopeless idealist. So in short I do not like; Fascists, Conservatism, Neoliberalism, Mindless television, Capitalism, Books like Wuthering Heights, anything by Jane Austen, and Wild Geese....continuing....well maybe I should just leave it at that, it encaptures generally what I dislike and many of the general headings encapsulate a number of different areas.

So that takes care of those awkward and numbing introductory questions. I guess we can move on to the juicy stuff.

So why am I writing a blog? Well I guess there are a few reasons as to why I have decided to write this blog. I am not writing this blog to complain about my life land how horrible the world is like a melancholic 15 year old who recently decided to cut his hair and slap his bangs over his see, I already went through that phase, and can ask anyone who knows me and they would probably tell you that it was less than flattering. Really I am writing this blog as some sort of outlet. I find myself living way up in my head alot of the time, and though this isn't really talking with other people directly it still serves the purpose of letting me release my thoughts in some way or another. This being said I do in fact talk to people, I have a number of great friends who listen to me all the time, trust me. As of late my life in some respects has gone to the shitter. I won't get into the details right now. Now don't take this as melancholic complaining it is simply an introduction to what I want to say. In the light of some aspects of my life going to the shitter, I have decided I need to make some life and self improvements, and thus I am currently working on a new path. I do intend to use this blog to talk about this path and hope to get feedback from anyone who reads this blog. This I repeat is not a cry for attention. I have been told throughout my life, "Chris you did very well, but if you tried harder you would have done better." You think it would have sinked in earlier than now. I shouldn't waste my potential, I should work hard at my academics, relationships, etcc..etcc.. I can't take anything for granted, this isnt a free ride anymore.


My most sincere thanks to anyone who just endured that. I know it was long.

I will leave you now with a few words,

We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
- Martin Luther King